Monday, August 30, 2010

Tristan + Juliette :: Four Year Anniversary

Romeo ran into the church looking for his beloved Juliette. But heavens, where is Julie? Is she behind the pew? Is she late? Meanwhile some distance away and an entirely different story all together; Isolde realizes that the love potion would certainly cause havoc on her marriage and the entire kingdom so she throws the dreadful thing into the ocean. Leaving Juliette and her darling Tristan free to make their own choices, which is to get married and then four years later have a creative photo session with their favorite photographer.

It's a beautiful story isn't it? Absolutely true too. Well maybe with a few things added on for flair. Tristan and Juliette are absolutely adorable together. They wanted something fun, and after going over a couple of ideas for places to shoot. They came up with Boomers (which will still forever be known to them as Grand Prix even though the management and name changed years ago. Stick to your guns kids. Stay in school. Don't do drugs.)

Tristan and Juliette - I am so thankful for you letting me capture the obvious enjoyment that you two have in each other.

Want some more? Enjoy their slideshow!

Tristan and Juliette :: Anniversary from Ashley Sellers on Vimeo.

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